


 String str = "Hello World"; byte[] byteArray = str.getBytes(); for(byte b: byteArray){ System.out.println(b); } 

This snippet of code converts a string into its byte representation. It then prints out each byte in the array.



 byte[] byteArray = {72, 101, 108, 108, 111, 32, 87, 111, 114, 108, 100}; String str = new String(byteArray); System.out.println(str); 

This snippet of code converts a byte array into a string. It does this by creating a new String object from a byte array.


值得注意的是,上述的转换过程可能会受到字符集的影响。默认情况下,getBytes()方法使用平台默认的字符集将字符串编码为字节序列。同样,String(byte[] bytes)构造器也使用平台默认的字符集将字节序列解码为字符串。如果需要用特定的字符集进行编码或解码,可以使用带有Charset或字符集名的getBytes()和String()方法。

 String str = "Hello World"; byte[] byteArray = str.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); String str2 = new String(byteArray, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); System.out.println(str2); 

This code snippet demonstrates how to use a specific character set (UTF-8 in this case) for the conversion between a string and a byte array. It ensures that the same character set is used for both encoding and decoding, thus avoiding potential mismatches between different character sets.