Hospitals in parts of China are seeing a surge in infections of mycoplasma pneumoniae, a bacteria that commonly causes respiratory illnesses in young children.
1. 肺炎支原体传染有什么症状?
Typical symptoms of mycoplasma pneumoniae infection include persistent and spasmodic coughing that is sometimes similar to the coughing caused by pertussis (whooping cough). Fever, difficulty breathing, and coughing up of phlegm may also occur.
Persistent high fever, which is a risk factor for severe cases, is also something to be mindful of.
Other early warning signs for severe illnesses include persistent or worsening hypoxemia (low blood oxygen levels) or difficulty breathing, as well as underlying diseases such as asthma and immunodeficiency diseases.
2. 肺炎支原体传染往年的风行情形若何?
Mycoplasma pneumoniae circulate sporadically throughout the year, with regional epidemics recurring every three to seven years and each epidemic lasting for one to two years.
It can circulate in communities, families or gatherings, and infection clusters often occur at schools, nursery care centers or summer camps.
Domestic spread of the disease has been rising since 2015 and peaked in 2019. Due to virus control measures rolled out during the COVID-19 pandemic, infection numbers declined significantly in subsequent years until the latest outbreak emerged.
The current wave of mycoplasma pneumoniae is the first to occur since COVID-19 containment measures were lifted.
3. 如今儿童肺炎支原体传染情形若何?是否已经达到岑岭?
Compared to previous years, we have found more patients with mixed infections, drug resistance and lobar pneumonia. This wave is intense, and we expect to experience the peak of the outbreak throughout the next month.
4. 为何本年肺炎支原体传染较往年严重?
Implementation of COVID-19 control measures such as wearing masks, frequent hand-washing and maintaining social distance has led to limited exposure to the bacteria across the population. As a result, the number of susceptible individuals has increased and herd immunity has declined.
5. 肺炎支原体传染有哪些首要的治疗药物和手段?
1. 增加体质和免疫力,如睡眠足够、营养充裕、磨炼身体等;
Get adequate sleep, maintain a balanced diet and exercise regularly;
2. 连结手部卫生,首倡勤洗手,尤其是在咳嗽或打喷嚏后。就餐前或接触污染情况后要洗手;
Wash hands frequently;
3. 包管家庭和工作、生活场合情况洁净和精巧通风状况,天天包管必然时间的开窗通风;
Make sure you have a clean, well-ventilated environment at home and at your workplace;
4. 尽量削减与染病人群的接触机会,在密闭场合、近距离接触他人时按要求佩戴口罩;
Minimize contact with infected individuals and wear masks in enclosed areas;
5. 连结精巧的呼吸道卫生习惯,咳嗽或打喷嚏时,用纸巾、毛巾等遮住口鼻,咳嗽或打喷嚏后洗手,尽量避免触摸眼睛、鼻或口。
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